Research et foundings

samedi 22 juin 2019

Elvises answers part 1

Where do I start?
The beginning?
I always believed the love I had for everything.
This will never change

How are you feeling?
Like you, will let it be better when you get it
Take your time.
Mine is your’s

It’s only Art
These are just words.
From World’s mixed in Voids, waved by whales.
Symbols we all created.

Which One has subsisted ?
Read every word like you were learning it for the first time all over again.
Take time to live the form expressed through the symbols

It took me a long time to be able to speak to all of you.
And to read me telling how to ?

Then read it again if you dont understand, if by the tired time it's still shit, its probably a lie 😂
In which way ? In the Sky ?

I’m writing this somewhere on this planet. # To get answers?# You have no idea who I am or what I’m going to do. #Are you sure ? #

I have no power over you or anything you do. You are alive. And have free will.
#I will free those who are alive#
I’m going to tell you about the things that transpired in the last months while in Washington and explain them to the best of my ability. This is book 1.
# I would like to read it, to know you a little bit, a piece of your experience, that will be, in patience, Understood because passed through
AEON-Heal Is The Key like Hempf a plant##
My name is Preston Elliot Dowell.
I was born November 28th 1990 into the loving arms of Jäna hecla.

I was raised all over Washington never being able to call anywhere home for more then a year or so
#I know, I lived something like that, may I tell you about the story ?
Around 4 years old it was “nut up or shut up”.
#Like about 14 years it lasted
Between kids beating me up and people dying around me all the time, I was scared.
#But stayed on the right ways
It was all happening so fast I couldn’t handle it. I overloaded.
#Overloaded for others is a light we have. Too bright for them, we keep it away.
my chest got tight…why is happening?...i can’t stop crying….
#Check mine, there is a tresure for you, start smiling
Why did I act like That?
#Because you ever knew me
Maybe I didn’t get a toy. I wanted the toy… maybe mom didn’t have the money…
#And offered it to my brother who didn’t wanted it
you can keep asking a million questions.
& Get Tons of answers.
You only had to ask one though.
# To the right One,
Why? You must ask an honest question before getting an honest answer.
#From People who do it because the are loving you

Moving from place to place I never really was able to call anywhere my home.
#Like Nils Holgersson, you had to reach things, to then, get this feeling
I was able to detach myself form any one place.
# Great !
Over time from moving from place to place to place, i stopped bringing toys with me. I learned to let material things go.
#but what were your gifts if not toys ?
I have my family, friends, people…maybe you have a super fast car!
#It drived me to the nicest experiences
I have never ending love, And so do you.
#I have love, do you?#
But even those people would turn on me in my greatest day of need.
#We will be there for you like you are for us
My father took off when I was young. Pretty much my mom.
#Fingerprint on your own
Oldest brother.
#First Edition
My youngest sister
#Last edition
and preston
right in the middle lol always getting just enough…and never happy about it lol little brat
#new laughings, loud and over, write it well, it will be better
after having just enough my entire life, I noticed I needed even less to be happier.
#Now you get a key, to make easier

No I didn’t come to any conclusions based off anyone else’s opinion. I found the answers myself and little bumps from everything else in the world pushed me to what I was asking.
#This sounds interresting when be readed
I was knocking on the door to the universe and she was listening. And said hello. Come on
#Then I camed in,
#If the F.ornication U.nder the C.onsentment of the is public, no problem with it
I broke a huge fear of mine.
#Breaking...through ?
I quite the best paying job I have ever had.
#to be free and acceed to the next steps
I just couldn’t believe it. It felt so good. I started my own company as a carpenter.
#Computer is our structure, for the architecture, we provide
I got my first job 2 hours later and made $3000 in one week. The next week I made $3200.
#Let’s live a thousand of millions of seconds of pure energy thrown through the clouds.
It didn’t make me happy…
I had a goal!
Buy a brand new snowmobile!!
#Why not
Is this really worth my time right?
#Let it be
# Sure
so I let it go. Just like my job. Just like my company, I let it go and my mind grew free. And my heart opened and my love grew.
#Nice to K N ow
I let the one I love free…I let her go and it broke her heart…
#For an instant
And mine…
#In the present
I told her it was ok. I still love her no matter what.
#That’s life
She left.
#Me in her past
So with nothing and nobody to talk to at the moment…
#Because half of our love is gone in the past

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