Research et foundings

lundi 24 juin 2019


I have been very pleased to meet you again.
I was so long time, far away, in some dimensions.
In some of this dimensions, where,
There are no access to memory,
I felt your vibes and energy.
This has searched and reached me perfectly.
I knew it would be such kind of calls that would wake me up back.
Following the colors of this odors, the scents guided me to you.
I have been loving you so much when we met,
It has printed, in my realms,
The ways I know.
As strong as Love, you have been calling,
Like you know.
Prayers, incenses and Rituals,
Applicated, while music is been played,
Creates some form of echos,
That are travelling deep in the Spaces,
Through the universes,
From where I am calling back,
Coming back to You,
Because you called Me.
Like the cell, in the heart, of our brains,
This is the starting point of an electric signal,
You can feel this single cell.
You know the electric shemes that are activated.
Impulse going so fast, through communications,
Connected by millions of ways,
To all the another cells.
Creating also an electromagnetic field,
That is protecting us, like the Earth is,
From the Sun storms and Lights.
Meteors were my vehicules,
I used Black holes as shortcuts,
To be faster back to you.
I know the way I took to leave, last time.
It was easy for me to find the way,
That had to be found to meet again.
I want you knowing also,
How to reach me,
Where I am,
How to come and find me.
This time I came,
Next time you will.
Vibrating alternance,
I have been invited so I could come and feel well.
I’ve invited you, and you came in love.
Now, I’m back in Your World,
For few instants, through Time and words.
If I have to go earlier than expected,
Keep in peace and stay with me,
Stars, I met on the way, asked if,
I could greet you,
When I will see you,
In the futur we trust,
Love will be the present,
Shared around us.

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