Research et foundings

dimanche 23 juin 2019

Lovely Love Letters to Souls

I had to share it,
Life is easy.
We are completing,
Ourselves, each other.
Because we are,
One way to follow.

This is it :

Tennessee :
Habite à Chattanooga
sam 23:22
Hi there !

Hello !
Vous pouvez maintenant vous appeler et voir les informations concernant le statut En ligne et la lecture des messages.

How are you?
Very good, thanks. And you ?

Is there something you needed, friend?
Yes, You are right

How may I help?
The more friends we are,
Stronger we will be
Like a mirror,
I am,
Like you.
So now, I have to ask you :
"May I help ?"
But it is not the way to.
Better is :
We first,
Take some to discover
Each other.
So now I write it for you :
Would you like to present yourself to me and myself ?

Hmm One wishes to present themself, as if one was a present, full of presence and living in the present, as if one were presently there. Like a mirror, I reflect upon my surroundings, seeing all around me, and taking in it all, as if it were all a part of me, because one truly believes in the soul, all are the same and everything is everything, even when it is nothing
No things aren't. I love what you have written. May I publish it with the text I will make, Inspired by your Soul ?

Hahaha sure, sure! Thank you very much
It's a pleasure to share our Treasures
I save them, for the future.
You may find some things,
From my past,
That will reach you.
Prepared for the Times,
The One we share
One we do,
As we are,
Happy Beginning,
Make a nice Quest,
Get in my Chest,
Find the treasure,
That is waiting for you.
Share your access,
If you like it

#something else, what time is it in your place ?

What does one call this treasure? One has imagined many, None quite fit. Oracle, prophet, godspeak, many to stroke the ego, but wanted it is not. I challenge thee, how does one conjure such thought? Is it natural, like a spring breeze? Or is it provoked through thought, through mettle? I ask as I sip from a kettle I cherish my treasures, for they are keys, I wish to document as such, but scattered my notes are, as my thoughts. Eternally flowing like water rolling off unto falls, the thoughts shift and create beautiful flow, as if no effort is kept To know the future, one must observe the present and study the past. The shift, as it comes, will be slow, like a tsunami A calm before a storm, life will flip and nothing will be everything Everything will be nothing The treasure is within ourselves, the path laid out only by one. One can guide others, but their path must be walked solitary 552pm
Woaw !
Here it's 00.02

Haha oh wow!
I really love what you told me.
I will meditate it a little
And try to find you
Some answers.
The questions you have,
Answers I give.
Try it,
Like they said :
Love it or leave it

I chose love it I let others leave it
I love what you're writing as well. True beauty friend
Rather finding answers for me, find them for yourself Share those experiences, so I may learn from them
I have choosen to be Love, The others believe it. We are building together. I have done this work, Now, going further, With you, I make, A try, Experience, That is teaching us, All together, As one. I am everyone, You too, So we know.ow to be the opposite
So we know, How to be, Opposites and similar

I adore it!!!

One has chosen love Belief above all other Building what, one asks? A stable foundation, For the one current is Shambled, Decrepit, Corrupt, To go father one needs to flow Step two toward One back, Three forward, One back, Four forward Never looking back To teach is to learn. To learn is to teach Is that such a reach? Will we all burn? Surely not, for if one Can become many Surely many, Can become one
# " looking back To teach is to learn. To learn is to teach Is that such a reach? Will we all burn? Surely not, for if one Can become many Surely many, Can become one" # So I see, Teachings learns how to learn teachings ! It's a rich objective to reach. I had this dream, I could remember how it was, I can't say it is nice. Sure you are, we will leave fire before it's too late. We will become, As espected, One And the others.

Austin vous a répondu
" looking back
To teach is to learn.
To learn is to teach
Is that such a reach?
Will we all burn?
Surely not, for if one
Can become many
Surely many,
Can become one"
So I see,
Teachings learns how to learn teachings !
It's a rich objective to reach.
I had this dream,
I could remember how it was,
I can't say it is nice.
Sure you are, we will leave fire before it's too late.
We will become,
As espected,
And the others.

The dream you speak of Impossible to reach? A necessary occurrence For it were good or evil, nice or mean, Fires create beautiful life From life comes death From death, Life
It would be fun to trip with you haha


The person who did this is a genius. I want it to be real. Imagine by John Lennon. (I do not own the rights to this music) This was done by Canny AI, a start up in Israel
Narrell Brown
Everything is possible
Good, Nice, it means :
Fire creates, Life is beautiful.
Like them,
I come and go.
Life is a big joke isn't it ?

The few who really good knows me are saying the same.
Like a dream, a Hurricane,
Your challenge is to come,
In my world,
as you can.
The nearest you are,
Deepest it will be.
Transform ourselves,
Through Energies.
Think about it,
Before we meet
Vous avez répondu à Austin
Pièce jointe

Holly shit,
Mixing together bad and good things !
Love is attracting what you love,
When focusing on Love,
You will forget what is not needed.
Dissociating the false from the truth,
It's keeping you aware

Austin vous a répondu
Everything is possible
Good, Nice, it means :
Fire creates, Life is beautiful.
Like them,
I come and go.
Life is a big joke isn't it ?

The few who really good knows me are saying the same.
Like a dream, a Hurricane,
Your challenge is to come,
In my world,
as you can.
The nearest you are,
Deepest it will be.
Transform ourselves,
Through Energies.
Think about it,
Before we meet

A joke, life truly is Itll fuck you one way, or another Dont take it so hard Change positions and enjoy My views are liked skewed, Wouldn't care to cast off humanity For the sake of our mother Even knowing the risks applied, nothing matters, I'd make mother happy Energies are lovely Sound is key Blank sheets are the secret
#A joke, life truly is
Itll fuck you one way, or another
Dont take it so hard
Change positions and enjoy#
---> Yep
--> It fucks what you are fucking for, an other ?
-> I can't
I made it.

There is nothing to answer to such realities.
What you have written is inspiring me nice things.
I will try to make very good things with that.
May you find yourself,
Back in memories,
Rememberings of our livings,
Shared, tripped together

You as well, dear friend
Thank you so much
Now I feel like a Deer,
I have a new Friend.
Like never I had,
I couldn't imagine it so good,
I had to experience it.
Nice meeting,
I'm pleased with that.
Now seeking,
How it could be better,
But you are helping me,
Reacing each other,
To give them my teachings

###Beings inspired, finding ways to be shared.

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