Research et foundings

jeudi 20 juin 2019

For yoouhu=i=You ! Never forget, this is true


Long time ago, some manuscripts were written with a feather and chinese ink.
A lot of deep and nice things are through this portals accessible. Most of this manuscripts are no more in my hands.
I will make new one's and store them properly.
My creations and inspirations are made to be shared.
For those who find them, at the right time, for the right ones :
To read, speak, sing and dance
Alternative possibilities to find this knowledges
Easy going and translucent
Light and bright
High and deep
Passions with inspirations
To make improvisations
Moving together like a nation
Everything is to be done on the best way
Take time and make it easy
Prepare and do
Or not, there is no try
Later, we'll be better
Everything is a preparation for what is coming
A combination of little things
The quintessence of each aspect
The acomplishment of their harmony
The resonnance, paying attention to that
Guidance is in the flow, low and higher
Rich are developping others
Making what is feeeled as better
Knowing what is good to make the same faster
Or new waves

Like a reflect in a mirror, it is your experience
Like a dream, you remember, with the purest patience
Establishing connections, the communications are in activation
The sharing is completed, the meeting is great
High in the mountains, sitting on a rock
Singing with the wind, flowing like birds
Diving in the clouds, opening the eyes
Modern art of participation, searching when it has been Starting
Through past and future, we live the present
Traveling together, in our thoughts for ever
Listening to the Bear, we protect our beloved
Searching for an Ice Cream, we found like a dream
Happening when focusing, elevating and energizing
Feeling like beeing, engineering something
Dancing, oscillations, loops, spirals, elevations
Top of the mountain song, overtone in the sky direction
Deep feeling, combination, travelling and get inspiration
I wish, for the future, to reach and teach
the masterys, with transmission art
To keep them alive for the next nodes
Tempo, beat, rythm

Silence, contemplation, observation, memoires

Long introduction, preparation, starting
Moving, getting higher, sweeter
Walk on the skyroads, following the constellations
Knowing how far they are, finding their ways in front of them
Eating, drinking, being well
Mastering of an existence,
Developpement, evolutions, aboutissement, renaissance
Like a Phenix,
Loops in a matrix.
Learning how to evolve,
Finding more than expected.
Going home, over the hills,
Dimensions, doors, path
Vortex, Travel, experience
Teaching, comprehension.
Application in the shemes,
Neuronal connections,
Lightenings in our brains,
Remanence, memorisations.
New ideas, quests, willings
Goals, objectives, connections
Trees, architectures, constructions.
Building a Paradise, in our heart,
Making a place safe for the Age
being wise, happy, conscious and sage
Players do, Praying too
A sound, waves, intentions
Are, act, travels through dimensions, thought, willings, emotions
Bringing you into an experience, higher state of livings arts
Playing with, like, you love,
Remember, you know it
Glow like cows with gloves
Shadows showing yourself's sense to light
Opposite direction is shown,
Learning switch shows the symetrics thanks the glowing remanence
Of activated resonnances,
Perception that there is a way between the two opposites,
A curve, circle, sphères,
Spirals, chromosomes, informations
Physics, immaterial,
Living, waving,

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